Metabolism Foundational Foods
metabolism foundations

group nutrition coaching

Eliminate your food anxiety

expert coaching with like-minded people

Metabolism Foundations helps you wipe the slate clean of all of the nutrition misinformation out there by understanding what macros are and how they  can help you improve your metabolism.

why you need

metabolism foundations

with this course

you get full access to

8 weeks of live classes

You get 8 weekly zoom calls for a live learning experience! And all sessions are recorded so you can review the sessions anytime.

extra accountability

You get a safe, private group setting to ask your questions and chat about anything from recipes to meal prep hacks!

all the tools you need

You get weekly lessons, helpful handouts, and homework tasks that help you reach your long term goal. See the full list below!

access to your coach

You get exclusive access to your coach through the messaging feature in Practice Better.

Megan at the Fridge - nutrition

here's exactly what's included

app access

1:1 guidance

helpful resources

bonus items

Have questions, no problem! Checkout the FAQs at the bottom of the page, and if you still need answers, please email me

Metabolism Friendly Smoothie
it doesn’t have to be so hard

trade confusion for strength

Strength of mind, strength of body, strength of perseverance. Metabolism Foundations helps you achieve your goals sustainably and never need another nutrition coach again. Using the same 1:1 client model, Megan teaches you everything from basic macros and hunger cues to hormone and gut health 101. By the end of 8 weeks, you’ll feel strong enough to wade through the nutrition noise, confident enough to calculate and adjust your own macronutrient goals, and empowered to customize a meal plan for yourself and your family like an expert. 

this program is designed

to help you achieve your goals


Get personal coaching by a registered dietitian with years of experience.


We start with nutrition basics before diving into the complicated stuff.


End the cycle by healing a metabolism that’s been messed up by chronic dieting.


You can expect changes like more energy, less cravings, clearer skin, improved digestion and better sleep quality.


Discuss wins, work through barriers, and set attainable nutrition and lifestyle goals.


Rather than taking away all the fun things life has to offer, we focus on what can be added.

you’re one click away

here’s how to get started

join in

During open enrollment weeks click the button below to fill out an application to become a client.

do the homework

Complete each week’s lesson and the applicable homework to put what you learned into practice

join the discussion

Join the weekly live Zoom group sessions to ask questions and discuss hot topics.

hear what participants have to say
Megan with her oatmeal bar recipe

megan best haggerson

Hey there! I am megan b., registered dietitian and personal trainer. With a wealth of education and years of experience I realized a group nutrition experience was a major missing service option for so many in my industry. After multiple successful rounds of this course I am confident if a group setting where others sharing and encouraging you along your journey sounds like just what you need, you’ll LOVE this course. And by the end of the 8 weeks you will have learned how to Be Strong, Be Nourished, Be Informed and most of all Be Well!


frequently asked questions

I love this question! Here’s the thing: I don’t expect that everyone here has the same goals.  Some people might be trying to feel better, some trying to perform better, and some simply trying to learn.  And if you follow me on social media, you know that I don’t believe the scale is the ONLY measure of progress!  So if you would like to track weight based metrics- have at it! Our accountability will be in the weekly homework as well as responding to the discussion questions and completing tasks.

Definitely your completion of the goals and homework assignments. If you’d like to track weight related metrics, I would suggest adding something like percent body fat and/or waist circumference- these are better indicators of body COMPOSITION (losing fat, gaining muscle) and I find they can be more helpful.

Definitely your completion of the goals and homework assignments. Other than that, I encourage you to think: what am I trying to get out of the next 8 weeks? What do I hope to accomplish or improve? Some ideas: workout performance (weights lifted, time to run a mile, etc), hours slept or time to get to sleep, incidence of afternoon cravings, hunger and fullness…the list is endless! Feel free to message me if you’re not sure the best route to go.

The recording will be uploaded soon after the call is finished, so hop on at a convenient time and join! I would be sure to schedule time within 24 hours to watch so that you can actively participate in the weekly tasks and discussions.

We are going to be discussing food tracking around week 3, however if you’d like to get a jump on it just to observe your current eating habits, feel free! My preferred food tracking app and one that I will be teaching you more about is Cronometer.

The short answer here: YES.  This is where everything for the next 8 weeks will live and how we will communicate with each other!

The cost for this course 8 week course is $529

Metabolism Friendly Smoothie

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Plus stay in the loop with updates about new products and services, recipe ideas, exclusive promotions, nutritional tips and more!