Preheat air fryer to 350.
While the air fryer is preheating, cut the stems of the sprouts and cut them in quarters.
Cut the raw bacon into even pieces, about 1/4 inch big. Place into a bowl with the sprouts.
Whisk the oil, syrup, salt and pepper together. Pour over the sprout and bacon mixture and toss until everything is covered.
Depending on the size of your air fryer you'll put 1/4 to 1/2 of your mixture into the tray and cook for 12 minutes, pulling the tray out to toss the mixture halfway through. You want the sprouts and bacon to spread out on the fryer tray and not be in a big pile. I had to this process twice because our fryer is on the smaller side.
You can also use the oven at 425, roasting for 30-40 minutes and stirring 15-20 minutes in.